We are working diligently to sort through what should be left behind (sold) and what would be beneficial in Tanzania (take.)
We have people coming to look at the property tomorrow. If they buy it, then we will continue in fast gear to get things ready for the move.
We are waiting for the Tanzanian government to finalize our workers permit. As soon as we have the word on that, we will be able to purchase our plane tickets and return to Africa to work as full-time missionaries at Kibidula.
We have scheduled our last work days in West Plains and Willow Springs. We are wrapping things up as quickly as possible. This is the end of our time here in the Ozarks of Missouri, but it is the beginning of our work full-time in Africa for our Lord.
We have enjoyed our two previous mission trips. They were challenging, but they were very rewarding. We feel drawn to this work. There have been so many things preparing us for this move. We eagerly look forward to being back in Africa.
Kibidula landscape, Mafinga, Tanzania, Africa June 2011

Kibidula landscape, Mafinga, Tanzania, Africa June 2011
Things have been challenging in our preparation to leave. There have been many details that have not gone as planned. Some of them are quite serious others, are just disappointments. We certainly appreciate any and all prayers that are offered in our behalf.
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