Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Taxi Driver

His name is Juma, and he was late.  REALLY late.

We contacted him through Taxify (like Uber).  He called to verify where we were.  He was only a minute away according to the app.  It was a LOT longer than a minute before he got there.  Many taxi’s tried to get us to take their car instead as we waited and waited.  We kept denying them and waited.  Finally he arrived.  He was appologetic.  We were forgiving. 

Traffic quickly became one jam after another.  The from the airport to the house was a long one.  Since we were stopped so much, and there were vendors making their way around the stopped cars trying to sell their wares, it was time to give out tracts.  I moved my bag and fanny pack away from the window to avoid any “grabs”.  Down went my window, and out went my hand with a tract.  Soon I was giving away many tracts to the passersby.  Soon the guest who had just arrived from the US asked for some tracts to give out on his side of the car.  Then our taxi driver asked for a tract to read.  Tracts were going out. 

At one time an old man approached the new guest’s window.  He took the tract and asked what it was.  Our new arrival didn’t have any Swahili to speak, so the taxi driver quickly intervened.  He told the old man to take it and read it.  He said it was good.  The old man said he couldn’t read.  From the cloudness of his eyes, I believed him.  The taxi driver didn’t skip a beat.  He said, “Find someone to read it to you!”

Then a bit later and a little ways down the road, some of the other drivers on the road were curious about what was going out our windows.  The passenger’s side window came down on the car next to us.  The person started asking our taxi driver questions.  Then the taxi driver took a tract from our guest and reached way out and handed it to the passenger in that vehicle. 
Then a fruit salesperson was walking by.  The driver asked for four bananas.  (She also got a tract.) He took one off for himself and then offered the other three to us three in the car!  WOW.  I have never had a taxi driver buy food for me.  We graciously declined, but were very appreciative.  When we arrived at our destination, I asked if he would like some more tracts to give out.  He excitedly said “Yes!”.  

Some days are just full of surprises!