Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happy Dog and Runny Noses


Lassie (our mission dog) is very happy that we have returned to our home at Kibidula.  He seems to enjoy being part of a family.  He likes to get as close to coming inside as possible.  Sometimes he more than pushes the limit and is usually good about going out when told. 

We returned to our home on the 11th of this month.

I have added a new page to our blog (website.)  It is under the tab Great Websites.

We have had many friends ask what we believe about various Bible subjects and these websites can go into the detailed Bible study on the various subjects that I have not had the time or pleasure of explaining in some brief encounters.  I know that many people have questions about these and other subjects.  These websites have an AMAZING amount of resources from the Bible (the one source we know we can trust) to answer these questions.  They answer the surface questions, and then have additional resources to answer so many more.  I love the Bible and the beautiful truth that God has given us there to show us His love in each subject.  He is truly the God of love and wants each one of us to know Him better.  I hope these sites will be a blessing to many of you.

Joshua came down with a cold several days ago, and now he has kindly shared it with me.  He loves to share!

Doug has started teaching at the Lay Evangelism School and I have substituted one day at the Primary School.  Yesterday we were blessed to be able to give hydrotherapy to one of the students that was not feeling well.  He said he was feeling much better before he left. 

We have been informed that Doug will have to travel to Tanga (the port city where the container will come in) to show our residency permit and perhaps some additional documentation.  I am not looking forward to being separated from him for many days.  There is a break in the teaching schedule at the school, so that part will work out I think.  Please pray that all will go well in his trip.  Please pray especially for safety in all his travels and for the issues at the government office to be cleared quickly and properly as God deems best.

As much as I dont like it, I think it is time to put out the request for financial supporters.  We would be very blessed for each person or family that feels impressed to send monthly support to the address on the support page.  We would like to make a budget and we also want to get the local treatment center up and running soon, as God wills. 

Please pray and ask the Lord if He would have you support us and this mission project with one time gifts or monthly contributions.  A small monthly donation that comes in regularly from many supporters is so helpful.  $5 a month, $10 a month, $25 a month or whatever amount the Lord impresses you with will be GREATLY appreciated.  Smaller contributions over a long time often are easier for many budgets, and please dont think that any gift is unappreciated.   God can bless and multiply. 

God is doing marvelous things here in Africa.  The medical work is wide open.  People are dealing with lifestyle diseases that we have seen reversed.  As we work with people we develop a trust with them, and they want to know about Jesus!  It is a wonderful thing. 

God has been answering the prayers for rain.  We have been having more regular rains.  Some of them are so heavy that we can barely speak to each other and hear even when we are sitting next to each other.  Our metal roof can be most noisy. 

We have not had any rats inside the house (that we know of) for several days.  We are very happy about that!

I hope to put some seedlings out in the newly worked up ground today.  If not today, then perhaps tomorrow (Friday.)

My first garden in Africa!  It will be a very simple spot to start with, but it will be a start. 

Thank you each one for praying for us, and for praying about whether you will support us on a regular basis.  If you decide to support on a regular basis, please send us an email so we can try to work that into our budget (if you want to.)

Thank you and may the Lord pour out His very best blessing in each of your lives.

Time is short and Jesus will return soon.  How soon?  We know not the day or hour, but we can see that it is even at the doors.  World events are a reflection of Matthew 24, Revelation, Daniel and many other prophecies.  I pray that our hearts will be consecrated wholly to the Lord and we will rejoice at His soon return, and encourage others to know, love and follow Him, too.

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